There are a lot of diverse sorts of mattress-shopping mothers and fathers available - and all types arrived into my mattress showroom:

The rich/semi-rich kinds to whom cash did not really look to issue; who bought their youngsters a decent mattress with out really wondering two times about it.

The loaded kinds who drove up in things like Mercedes SUV's to acquire 'the ideal bed, cash would not matter' for By themselves; after which you can additional a couple of our least expensive worth mattresses to their orders practically as an afterthought.

The middle-class & even poor families, numerous of whom are struggling to make ends meet - coming in to see what's available; then EITHER biting the bullet to 'make finances work' OR going back home to save more cash to return later - to buy their youngsters a nicer bed that would give them healthy sleep and last awhile.

And bless their hearts - those mothers and fathers of all financial ranges who have gotten on their own so tangled up in all this 'offgassing' and 'green mattress' stuff, nowadays. (Yes, I'll be going into this Eco-Friendly mattress subject later, too.)

I've got one question for you... What are your youngsters worth to you?

I have the cutest 'new big girl bed' story, I just have to tell it to you...

One of our customers from earlier in the year arrived in the day before Christmas Eve to acquire a whole new big-girl mattress for his two and a half year-old daughter.

When they were in the store earlier in the year - this couple had purchased a mattress for on their own and the two older boys; but apparently the little girl was still in a crib and they did not think she was ready for one, yet.

So, as I was ringing him up (they were a working class family - he was a former construction worker turned stay-at-home Dad); we got to talking, and he told me that they had taken the youngsters to see Santa recently. And when she got on Santa's lap - she told him that she wanted a whole new big-girl mattress for Christmas! (A few months had passed by this time, maybe 5 or 6).

They were planning on leaning it up next to the Christmas Tree with a big, red bow on it.

YOU remember your bedroom from when you were a youngster - you remember what matters felt like, smelled like, and how that room made you feel - cozy or not.

A child's personal space - their BEDROOM - which includes a mattress is just as IMPORTANT for them as it is for you.

No, you don't need to buy a Luxury mattress for your boy or girl - let's be reasonable. But, if you're just wanting something that 'will do' for them to sleep on...

Frankly, you don't care about the sleep of your children NEARLY as much as you should. And you're certainly not teaching them how to take care of on their own; NOR are you demonstrating (at least, I hope not) how much they mean to you.

Dang, you have no idea how good that feels to spell out. I've wanted to say this to A lot of mothers and fathers - but it isn't very good sales posture, ha!

Here are some matters to keep in mind when purchasing a whole new mattress for a child:

1. How long is that boy or girl going to be using that mattress?

Many times, mothers and fathers start toddlers out on a Twin-size bed with the intention of putting them onto something larger when they get older.

If you buy a kid a decent bed at WHATEVER age - it can continue to travel around with them for awhile as they are attending college, or it can remain their place of refuge when they come home for the holidays. (It often becomes a guest bed, too).

There were a lot of 40 - 50 year old adults who arrived into my mattress store to finally buy their FIRST big girl / big boy bed after sleeping on their old childhood mattress for decades. Yeah, sometimes the bed you purchase for an adolescent boy or girl becomes something they use into adulthood - make it a good one!

BTW, mothers and fathers - if you think you're saving yourselves much cash by NOT doing so; A lot of of these first adult mattress purchases for these older youngsters were STILL being bought by their (now much older) mothers and fathers. ;)

These older-parental mattress purchases were not always done in a 'my boy or girl is financially incapable for whatever reason' kind of way - which IS often still the case.

But, a whole new mattress makes a WONDERFUL Wedding Present for a son or daughter who is getting married and/or just starting out in this crazy world.

Advice for Mattress Browsing for/with a Toddler

If you're buying a bed for a toddler who will eventually be moving onto another bed; AND if you're not planning on passing this mattress down to younger siblings - stay in the 'Value mattress section' of the store if you need to save cash.

Also, when buying a first bed for a toddler, make sure YOU can sleep on that mattress, too. You're probably going to end up sleeping on it sometimes. I've had people take advantage of a comfort exchange on a child's mattress for this reason.

As far as testing mattresses with youngsters go - do yourself a favor, and do the choosing for a toddler. Gee Whiz mothers and fathers, some of you are really weird when it comes to INSISTING to your toddler that they HAVE to try the mattress and TELL you 'which one they like best'.

Yes, include them and get their opinion - but, they don't know; can't really tell you; and it would not issue at this point - they are growing feathers.

You don't really have a very good idea of what your child's body is going to turn out like at this point in their lives. All they really need is support & comfort just like you.

Make your ideal decision. If YOU are comfortable on that bed, chances are - they will be,too.

One caution for toddlers - not too fluffy on top. Some cush is good, and keep in mind that a mattress protector and sheet will firm the feel up a bit. But, you don't want their little faces sinking too far into a bunch of foam that can potentially cut off airflow.

You can always add additional cush to a mattress as that boy or girl grows up with a mattress topper if you need to, later.

This isn't usually a concern with a Worth mattress. But if you're the kind of parent who wants to spring for something really nice for the long haul - just keep this in mind.

Toddlers don't have much weight on them - that's why alot of those thin, 6" Bunk Bed mattresses often only have a one-year warranty. They will last that long and probably a LITTLE longer for a Toddler (depends on how much jumping happens).

But, for older youngsters (even if you know you're going to be moving them onto another bed eventually) at least move to the mid-top end of the Worth section.

The Worth Section of a mattress store is where the mattresses with weaker coils and less foam on top, live. They often have a one or five year manufacturer's warranty.

If you're buying a mattress for a toddler that you're pretty sure is going to be staying in the same bed through to college, OR for an older boy or girl - PLEASE at least move to the top of the Worth section; and even better, the bottom median-range mattresses that come with 10-year warranties for adults.

Your youngsters are not going to stay little - don't you wish!!

Advice for Mattress Browsing for/with Tweens & Teenagers

For older youngsters & teenagers - use the same advice in this previous article about 'how to test a mattress' when trying to find a good mattress match for them. They're starting to put on a little weight and develop a body-type. They're ready for that, now.

A word to mothers and fathers - some of you can really jerk the hearts of your youngsters around with out intending to. You can avoid MUCH stress to both you and your children by figuring out your budget BEFORE you enter a mattress store.

For each boy or girl if you have more than one - give them your budget, THEN let them help you choose the mattress.

I've seen a lot of hard feelings develop in my mattress store because a parent had given a youngster 'free-roam' to pick out their own new mattress; after which you can later - after their hopes are set on one - tell them that they can't afford that one - "Let's stay over here in the Worth Section', Sweetheart. Daddy will like these prices, better."

Know your budget before you leave, and let them know what you've discovered about how to test a mattress. You'll have a much better time during your mattress shopping adventure with your tweens and teens!

2) Is it likely that boy or girl will grow tall?

Mattress size can be an important factor to consider if you're planning on your boy or girl staying in a mattress through to college. Are you and/or the other parent tall - is your boy or girl likely to be tall?

If there is only room for a Twin size (39 x 75) mattress in their room - do another measurement and see if you can fit a Twin XL in there, instead. A Twin XL is the same length as a Queen/King mattress with out the width (39 x 80). It will give them room to grow.

3) What are their needs surrounding a whole new mattress?

Is your boy or girl an athlete (or likely to be) who might need a 'better', supportive bed with some good cush on top; or do they spend alot of time sitting in bed doing homework, etc?

SLEEP is the most important factor when buying a whole new mattress; but if your teenager likes to sit in bed alot, invest in a 'more firm' Innerspring for extra support and remember to rotate and/or flip the mattress every once in awhile to keep that one spot from wearing too fast.

Wanna know a great place to get a decent bed for a kid?

Your own bedroom!

How old is YOUR mattress? Does it still have a few years of life left in it, but you know you're going to be needing a whole new one in 1-3-5 years?

Get YOURSELF a whole new one and give your old mattress to your boy or girl (if there is room in their bedroom). You will get a longer life out of your original bed by putting a lighter person on it. And since you know you're going to be needing a whole new mattress soon, anyway - Voilá! (This is also a good idea for a guest room).

PLUS, you know how your youngsters LOVE to sleep with you! Older youngsters who have 'always loved your mattress' will appreciate having it; AND it may very well help toddlers, especially, to want to stay in this old/new familiar bed that belongs to them, now.

How Much Should You Expect to Pay for a New Mattress for a child?

While this is not so much the case with Luxury mattresses - Worth & Median grade mattresses can have a significant upgrade in QUALITY just by spending maybe as little as $50 or $100 more. Don't skimp if you have the finances not to.

How much did you pay for your laptop or your cellphone, and how often will you be replacing it? I'm sure you know, your youngsters are SO WORTH IT!!

For a low-end, yet semi-DECENT Twin-size Worth mattress for a kid, expect to spend between $150 - $300 just for a Twin mattress - if you need a box also, add roughly $100 more.

A higher-end Twin Worth mattress should average $200 - $300 (and will sometimes have a 10-year warranty even if it is considered to be a Worth mattress); Bottom-end, Median Twin mattresses with FULL 10-year warranties around $300-600.

Part Two in this Series

How to Test a whole new Mattress to See if it is Right for Your Body to Sleep Healthy

Part One in this Series

How to Test, Choose & Buy the Greatest Mattress for Your Body: Real Information from a Mattress Sales Expert

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